Friday, May 18, 2012

If Facebook Existed in the '90s...

These are some quotes that might have been said:

1) "The photo they scanned of me is less grainy. It's the bomb!"
2) "It only took 5 hours for my last status to post."
3) "You have 52 friends? Wow, you have SO many!"
4) "My Netscape crashed again when I tried to load this one photo album."
5) "You used an animation GIF for your profile pic? Awesome!"
6) "Why did you try to upload a video? It's 3.5 megabytes, and we have to go have the PC repaired again!"
7) "Don't worry, honey, it only takes three days for the relationship status to change."
8) "AOL keeps thinking my Facebook emails are spam!"
9) "Want to talk on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)? We posted too much under my status."
10) "Stop sending me requests to play on Oregon Trail."
Being someone who grew up in Silicon Valley for nearly 14 years, this list was fun 
to come up with.

With the Facebook IPO launching earlier this week (watch it live here), and with Mark 
Zuckerberg's "business attire" being debated in the media, it is no question that, back then, 
the world was definitely NOT ready for Facebook. 

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