Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where's the "I Voted" Pin?

Today is the 2012 California Primary. Need I say more?
On my vote-by-mail ballot, I still saw names such as Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich on the list. If only they had stayed for this make-it-or-break-it, climactic type of primary- after all, California has always been a major deciding factor, especially in delegates. But save for the 2008 fiasco on Proposition 8, California has always been one of the most progressive states, and attempting to make it backwards in terms of a Bachmann- or Santorum-esque agenda would be nothing more than a laugh.

On a more serious note, there have been rumors of a Romney-Paul ticket... not of former Governor Mitt Romney and Representative Ron Paul, but of Romney and Senator Rand Paul. While this is not confirmed, I don't understand how such a combination could work together. The Libertarian ideal would want significantly smaller government, elimination of the Federal Reserve, encouragement of the free market, the legalization / regulation of drugs, legalization of marijuana, legalized gay marriage, and smaller (if not zero) taxes. How would Romney be able to work with such as ideas, and especially the other way around when he is still a part of the system?

In another world, candidates would be vying for votes by simply doing some dances, or at least having their campaign do a dance. 

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